Misteriosa Sindone di Torino © 2000 Guido Pagliarino
INDEX OF The Mysterious Shroud of Turin
Page 2
Why the Shroud Man's inches are not visible and why his right foot covers the other one?
Two nails (used to fix every arm to the cross) enter into the Space of Destot
in correspondence of the carpus (wrist-joint) and pierce and damage the
median nerves; this action causes the reflexing of the thumb under the palm of
the hand (Prof. Barbet). These things were not known in the Middle Ages, in
which people thought the nails pierced hands, not wrists. We have to suppose (?)
the presumed medieval forger of the Shroud knew them between 1260 and 1390
(you may
look at the relative page, if you know Italian
Looking on the Shroud, we see the two wounds by nails in the superior limbs of
the Man are in the wrists and are not in the hands, and these have invisible
thumbs, withdrawn behind the palms: by lesion of the median nerves.
The left foot is nailed on the right one by one nail, therefore a leg of the man is bent. When the death arrives, by the rigor mortis the first leg remains bent, how it was on the cross, with the left foot positioned over the other one: in the negative photo of the sheet; on the contrary, on the Shroud or in its positive photo the right foot is over the left one.
On the ocular orbits of the Face of the Shroud the marks of two Roman coins have been identified. These coins have the inscription, in ancient Greek, "Tiberius Caesar" and also the image of a sacred ladle. The first mark was found out in 1954 by Father F.L. Filas, on the eyelid of the right eye. An expert, the numismatic M. Marx identified it like the mark of a coin executed by Pontius Pilatus between the years 29 and 32 (A.D.). Prof. Tamburelli, by the help of a computer, has confirmed these studies. Prof. Baima Bollone and Prof. Balossino have interpreted a few signs on the left eyebrow arch as owed another coin presumedly of the same Roman epoch.
The use of placing a coin on each closed eye of corpses had the purpose to have not them reopened by the possible mechanical contractions during the period immediately following the death.
Aloe and myrrh
Aloe and myrrh found on the Shroud correspond to the aromas which the Gospels tell us, used to grease Jesus's body before the burial. We read in the Gospels that for the haste, Jesus's corpse was not washed but only greased, because it was nearly Saturday, the sacred rest's day for the Hebrews. Otherwise, on the Shroud it should not have remained any blood track.
The convicts were on the cross for a long period of time, to the still alive ones the legs were broken (Roman Crurifragium), since they could not any more lean on the foot-rest if they had been tied, or on the nail, avoiding so, temporarily, the asphyxia which crops out when a person is hung up; therefore their death allowed the end of the guard service. Gospels tell us the Christ's legs were not broken because soldiers saw he was dead (however, for security, one of them pierced by a lance his heart). The legs are in fact whole on the Shroud; and there is the very clear sign of a lance blow and remains of corpse blood (blood and water) gone out.
Signs of wounds and of abrasions
We find on the Shroud all the lesions Jesus suffered during his passion and death, how the Gospels refer. Looking the Shroud photographic slab, we may see what follows (on the Shroud - like a negative film - what is "at right" is, in the reality, and on the negative photographic slab, "at left"; and on the contrary, what is "at left" is in the reality, "at right").
Observing the photographic slab and seeing the image from the beginning of the sheet and after proceeding up to his half, we may see (it's confirmed by all the experiments of the pathologists that have studied the Shroud):
- Wounded by nail at the left foot (the right one is covered from the first; in fact, we know the feet were nailed to the vertical pole of the cross with an only nail and, after the death, they stayed in the same position, for the rigor mortis: on the Shroud (and on the contrary on the slab) the right foot and the left one appear respectively as the left foot and the right one, because - it was said to satiety - the Shroud image is a negative specular image).
- Wound by nail on the right wrist (the left one is covered by the right wrist, because the hands are crossed in such position to cover the pubic zone).
- Wound by lance to the chest, up to the heart, with sign of a big blood flow which drips from the wound along the chest and the side.
- Wounds on the forehead, produced by plugs: one of them is very deep, from which a blood flow at form of a 3 has gone out.
Seeing from the center of the sheet and proceeding toward our right, we may find:
- Wounds by plugs on the nape (in total, these wounds by plugs are more than 30).
- Abrasions on the back, under the shoulders, caused by the transport of a heavy beam (patibulum of the cross)
- More than 120 wounds produced by a Roman scourge, on the back, gluteus, legs and heels.
- The bleeding right heel; the bleeding left foot (precisely, under).
Taking into consideration all the known data on the Shroud, mathematicians and statistical researchers, independently one from the others, have calculated there is only a possibility against millions (for someone, against billions) this sheet has not wrapped the corpse of Jesus and the man's image is not that of Christ. According to Father Filas, 1 possibility is existing against 10 followed from 26 zeros possibilities the man who was in the Shroud was not Jesus from Nazareth. For the researcher Donovan, who afterwards calculated with a more prudent method, there is a possibility against 225 billions.
For the researchers Stevensen and Habermas (they have wanted to do a calculation absolutely for fault) there is one possibility against 82,944,000. Prof. Fanti and Prof. Marinelli have arrived to conclude that the probability the image is not of Christ is one against many millions. Therefore, it tends to the certainty, statistically, the Shroud of Turin has really wrapped the dead body of Jesus and the image is that of Christ.
Negative photos of right half and left half of the Shroud, printed on cloth at natural size. During the Oxtension in 2000 of the Original, they was exposed in the chapel of the San Lorenzo church, near the Cathedral, in which the Original was lodged the first time, just after his arrival in Turin from Chambery.
© Guido Pagliarino
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Misteriosa Sindone di Torino © 2000 Guido Pagliarino